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Employment Office

  1. Employment offices shall be established by a decision of the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs in each governorate of the Kingdom.
  2. The employment offices shall assist job seekers in obtaining suitable employment and provide necessary advice and guidance.
  3. Employers must notify the employment offices of any vacancies they have within a period not exceeding fifteen days from the date the vacancy arises.
  4. Employment offices must submit monthly reports on their activities to the Ministry.


Bahrain Labour Law: Regulation of Employment and Training
Bahrain Labour Law: Regulation of Employment and Training


 Conditions for Admission to Vocational Training

  1. The applicant for vocational training must be at least sixteen years old.
  2. The applicant must be physically fit for the profession they are training for.
  3. The applicant must have the minimum level of education required for the training.



Vocational Training Contract

  1. The vocational training contract must be in writing and signed by both parties.
  2. The contract must include the type and duration of training and the stipend the trainee will receive.
  3. The employer must commit to providing both practical and theoretical training to the trainee according to the agreed program.



Obligations of the Trainee

  1. The trainee must exert their utmost effort to benefit from the training.
  2. The trainee must follow the instructions and rules in place at the training site.
  3. The employer may terminate the training contract if it is proven that the trainee is not serious about the training or has committed serious violations.



On-the-Job Training

  1. Employers may organize on-the-job training programs for workers to improve their professional skills.
  2. On-the-job training programs must include clear plans and specific objectives.
  3. Employers must submit periodic reports on the results of these programs to the Ministry.



 Responsibilities of the Ministry

  1. The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs shall oversee the implementation of vocational training programs.
  2. The Ministry shall set the standards and conditions necessary for accrediting vocational training institutions.
  3. The Ministry shall evaluate the effectiveness of training programs and provide recommendations for their improvement.


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Scope of Application of the Law


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Employment Contract


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