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Definition of Employment Contract

  1. An employment contract is an agreement whereby the worker undertakes to work for the employer under his management or supervision in return for remuneration.
  2. The employment contract must be in writing and include the following details:
    • The name of the employer and the workplace.
    • The name and occupation of the worker.
    • The agreed remuneration and how it will be paid.
    • The duration of the contract if it is for a fixed term.
    • The start date of the employment.
    • The duration of the probation period, if any.


Bahrain Labour Law: Employment Contract
Bahrain Labour Law: Employment Contract


Probation Period

  1. The worker may be subject to a probation period not exceeding three months.
  2. Either party may terminate the contract during the probation period without prior notice or compensation.
  3. The probation period must be specified in the employment contract.




  1. Remuneration is all that the worker receives from the employer in return for his work.
  2. Remuneration must be paid on the agreed-upon dates.
  3. The employer may not reduce the agreed remuneration without the worker’s consent.



Working Hours

  1. The worker may not be employed for more than eight hours a day or forty-eight hours a week.
  2. Working hours must include one or more periods for rest, totaling not less than one hour.
  3. Working hours may be increased to nine hours a day in certain jobs by a decision of the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs.



Annual Leave

  1. The worker is entitled to annual leave with full pay for not less than thirty days a year.
  2. The worker must take the leave during the same year, and it may not be postponed to the following year except with the worker’s consent.
  3. The employer may determine the timing of the leave in accordance with the work requirements.


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Regulation of Employment and Training


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Rights and Obligations of the Parties


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