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Employment of Women

  1. Women are permitted to work in all jobs, except those that may be hazardous or physically demanding.
  2. The employer must provide a suitable and safe working environment for female employees.
  3. Female employees are entitled to paid maternity leave for a period of sixty days.


Bahrain Labour Law: Employment of Women and Minors
Bahrain Labour Law: Employment of Women and Minors


Protection of Female Workers

  1. The employer may not dismiss a female employee due to pregnancy or childbirth.
  2. The employer must provide childcare facilities if they employ a certain number of female workers.
  3. Female workers are entitled to breastfeeding breaks totaling not less than one hour a day.



Employment of Minors

  1. Minors under the age of 15 may not be employed.
  2. Consent from a guardian is required to employ minors aged between 15 and 18.
  3. Minors may not be employed in hazardous jobs or jobs that require significant physical effort.



Working Hours for Minors

  1. Minors may not be employed for more than 6 hours a day.
  2. Working hours must include one or more periods for rest, totaling not less than one hour.
  3. Minors may not be employed between 7 PM and 7 AM.



Rights of Working Minors

  1. Working minors are entitled to the same rights as adult workers, including wages and leaves.
  2. The employer must provide a healthy and safe working environment for working minors.
  3. The employer must submit the necessary reports to the relevant authorities regarding the employment of minors.


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Working Hours and Leaves


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Labour Inspection and Penalties


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