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Dispute Resolution

  1. Labour disputes shall be resolved amicably between the parties.
  2. If disputes cannot be resolved amicably, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs may be approached for mediation.
  3. If no resolution is reached, either party may resort to the competent court.


Bahrain Labour Law: General and Final Provisions
Bahrain Labour Law: General and Final Provisions


Instructions and Regulations

  1. The Minister of Labour and Social Affairs shall issue the necessary instructions and regulations to implement the provisions of this law.
  2. The instructions and regulations shall be published in the official gazette and become effective from the date of their publication.



Repeal of Previous Provisions

  1. All previous provisions that contradict the provisions of this law are hereby repealed.
  2. The provisions of this law shall take effect from the date of its enactment.



Effective Date of the Law

  1. This law shall be published in the official gazette.
  2. This law shall take effect thirty days after the date of its publication.




  1. The Minister of Labour and Social Affairs shall implement the provisions of this law.


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Labour Inspection and Penalties


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Scope of Application of the Law


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