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Worker Rights

  1. The worker has the right to receive the remuneration agreed upon in the contract.
  2. The worker has the right to paid annual leave.
  3. The worker has the right to work in a healthy and safe environment.
  4. The worker has the right to rest periods during the daily working hours.
  5. The worker has the right to end-of-service benefits upon the termination of the employment contract.


Bahrain Labour Law: Rights and Obligations of the Parties
Bahrain Labour Law: Rights and Obligations of the Parties


Worker Obligations

  1. The worker must perform the work personally and with due diligence.
  2. The worker must follow the employer’s instructions related to the work.
  3. The worker must keep work secrets and not disclose them.
  4. The worker must use the tools and equipment provided by the employer correctly and maintain them.
  5. The worker must adhere to the working hours and not be absent without a legitimate excuse.



Employer Rights

  1. The employer has the right to organize work and set the necessary rules.
  2. The employer has the right to monitor the worker’s performance to ensure quality and efficiency.
  3. The employer has the right to take disciplinary actions against the worker in case of violations.
  4. The employer has the right to modify working conditions according to work requirements, provided that it does not affect the worker’s basic rights.
  5. The employer has the right to terminate the employment contract according to the conditions specified in the law.



 Employer Obligations

  1. The employer must pay the agreed remuneration on the specified dates.
  2. The employer must provide a safe and healthy working environment.
  3. The employer must provide necessary training to the worker.
  4. The employer must respect the worker’s rights and not discriminate among workers.
  5. The employer must grant the worker the entitled leave in accordance with the law.



Termination of Employment Contract

  1. Either party may terminate the employment contract at will, provided that the other party is notified in writing at least one month in advance.
  2. The worker has the right to terminate the contract without prior notice if the employer commits a serious violation of his obligations.
  3. The employer has the right to terminate the contract without prior notice if the worker commits a serious violation of his obligations.


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