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Determination of Wages

  1. The wage is determined by agreement between the employer and the worker.
  2. The wage must be specified in the employment contract.
  3. The wage must be paid in the legal currency of Bahrain.


Bahrain Labour Law: Wages
Bahrain Labour Law: Wages


Entitlement to Wages

  1. The worker is entitled to wages for the period during which he has worked.
  2. If the worker is unable to perform the work due to a reason attributable to the employer, the worker is entitled to full wages.
  3. If the worker is unable to perform the work due to force majeure, the worker is entitled to half of his wages.



 Payment Dates of Wages

  1. Wages must be paid to the worker on the agreed dates.
  2. If the worker is paid on a daily basis, the wages must be paid daily after the work is completed.
  3. If the worker is paid on a weekly basis, the wages must be paid weekly at the end of the week.
  4. If the worker is paid on a monthly basis, the wages must be paid monthly at the end of the month.



 Wage Deductions

  1. No wage deductions may be made except in the cases stipulated by law.
  2. The employer may deduct a portion of the worker’s wages for debts owed by the worker.
  3. The amount deducted must not exceed one-third of the wages due to the worker.



 Additional Wages

  1. The worker is entitled to additional wages for overtime work.
  2. The additional wage must be at least 25% of the regular wage.
  3. The worker is entitled to additional wages of 50% of the regular wage if the overtime is during the night or on official holidays.


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