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Vocational Training in Qatar Labour Law

The Qatar Labour Law places significant emphasis on vocational training as a means to enhance workers’ skills and efficiency. Vocational training is regulated through various articles that outline the conditions and provisions for training.


Qatar Labour Law: Vocational Training
Qatar Labour Law: Vocational Training


Vocational Training Provisions:

  1. Training Locations: Vocational training shall be carried out inside establishments or in institutes and centers designated for this purpose.
  2. Training Programs: The Minister shall, by a decision, specify the theoretical and practical programs for training, its maximum duration, rules and conditions to be followed, method of examination, and certificates granted to trainees.
  3. Training Contract: A vocational training contract shall be made in writing between the apprentice and the employer. It shall specify the type of trade or craft to be trained, the duration of training, its consecutive stages, and the wage to be paid to the apprentice.
  4. Contract Termination: The employer may terminate the vocational training contract before its expiry in certain cases, such as the apprentice’s inability to learn or committing a fundamental breach.
  5. Obligations: The apprentice must adhere to the duties prescribed in the contract and perform the tasks assigned with diligence and integrity.


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