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Introduction to Saudi Labour Law

The Saudi Labour Law was issued by Royal Decree No. M/51 on 23 Sha’ban 1426 AH, corresponding to September 27, 2005. This law aims to regulate the employment relationship between the worker and the employer, ensuring the rights of both parties. It serves as a primary reference for all laws and regulations related to the labor market in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Labour Law: Introduction to Saudi Labour Law
Saudi Labour Law: Introduction to Saudi Labour Law


Objectives of the Law

The Saudi Labour Law aims to achieve a balance between the rights and obligations of both the worker and the employer. This is done by establishing a set of regulations and systems that govern working hours, wages, leaves, occupational safety, and health. Additionally, it seeks to promote social justice and protect the rights of workers in the Kingdom.


Organization of Recruitment

The law defines clear procedures for organizing the recruitment process in the Kingdom, including the employment of both national and foreign workers. This includes the establishment of employment units that provide free services to job seekers and employers, registering job seekers, obtaining data on vacant jobs from employers, and referring job applications to suitable vacancies.


Training and Qualification of Workers

The law emphasizes the importance of training and qualifying workers to ensure their skills match the needs of the labor market. This is achieved through training and qualification contracts between the employer and the worker, contributing to the worker’s efficiency and productivity and enhancing their job opportunities.


next post:

Workers’ Rights and Employers’ Duties



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