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Chapter Two: Employment of Workers, Children, and Women

Chapter Two of the UAE Labour Law addresses the provisions related to the employment of workers, children, and women. This chapter aims to regulate the employment process and ensure the protection of vulnerable groups such as children and women.

 UAE Labour Law: Employment of Workers, Children, and Women
UAE Labour Law: Employment of Workers, Children, and Women


Employment of Workers

Article Nine of the law states that work is an inherent right of UAE nationals, and non-nationals may not engage in any work within the state except in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the law and its executive orders.

Article Ten stipulates that in the absence of national workers, preference in employment is given to non-national workers according to specific priorities, including Arab workers and then other workers.


Employment of Children

The article concerning the employment of children sets the conditions and restrictions governing the employment of children under the age of 15. This includes prohibiting night work and hazardous jobs, as well as ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for employed children.


Employment of Women

The law also includes special provisions for the employment of women, prohibiting their employment in certain jobs deemed dangerous or harmful to their health. The law also specifies working hours and leave entitlements for women, including maternity leave.


Common Rules for Employment of Children and Women

The common rules for the employment of children and women include several provisions aimed at protecting their rights and ensuring they are not subjected to exploitation or inhumane working conditions.


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UAE Labour Law: Definitions and General Provisions


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Employment Contracts, Records, Wages, Working Hours, and Leaves


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