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Manpower France hiring in France
Manpower France hiring in France with salary €35,000 to €65,000


Acteur majeur du marché de l’emploi depuis plus de 65 ans, Manpower France regroupe aujourd’hui plus de 3 500 collaborateurs qui accompagnent chaque jour près de 80 000 salariés intérimaires, au sein des 40 000 entreprises clientes en France. Chaque année, près de 22 500 recrutements directs en CDI et CDD sont générés par cette activité.


what vacancies we are hiring:

1- Technicien fibre optique Raccordeur (H/F)

2- Analyste risques bancaires (H/F)

3- Agent Ordonnancement & Planification Contrat Longue Durée // Garchizy (H/F)

4- Cartographe (H/F)

5- Technicien Hygiène Sécurité Environnement (HSE) (H/F)

6- Assistant Qualité Sécurité Environnement (QSE) montbard (H/F)

7- Technicien Hygiène Sécurité Environnement (HSE) renaison / loire (H/F)

8- Assistant travaux (H/F)

9- Animateur en Hygiène Sécurité Environnement CDD 6 mois (H/F)

10- Hôte de caisse (H/F)

11- Chargé de clientèle téléservices (H/F)

12- Chargé de clientèle téléservices (H/F)

13- Technicien télécom réseau fixes à Vénissieux (69) (H/F)

14- Agent de Tri (H/F)

15- Technicien Hygiène Sécurité Environnement (HSE) secteur Faucogney (H/F)

16- Gestionnaire frais médicaux (H/F)

17- Chargé de clientèle téléservices (H/F)

18- Comptable fournisseurs (H/F)

19- Opérateur de fabrication chimie Roussillon (H/F)

20- Assistant administratif (H/F)

21- Préparateur de commandes en équipe de nuit à Chassieu (H/F)

22- Comptable clients fournisseurs (H/F)

23- Technicien de maintenance en CQP (H/F)

24- Technicien de maintenance en CQP (H/F)

25- Animateur sécurité environnement (H/F)




what are salaries of Manpower France company in France?

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a Manpower France company in France is €45,000 per year. This is 5% above the national average for staffing and recruiting professionals in France.

The salary range for staffing and recruiting professionals at Manpower France company is €35,000 to €65,000 per year. The starting salary for a staffing and recruiting professional with no experience is typically around €35,000. With more experience, the salary can range up to €65,000 or more.

Other positions at Manpower France company with salaries include:

Account Manager: €50,000 per year
Recruiter: €40,000 per year
HR Manager: €55,000 per year
Business Development Manager: €60,000 per year
These salaries are just estimates and may vary depending on the specific position, experience level, and location.

Here are some factors that can affect the salary of a staffing and recruiting professional at Manpower France company:

Experience level: The more experience you have, the higher your salary will be.
Location: The salary for a staffing and recruiting professional can vary depending on the location. For example, staffing and recruiting professionals in Paris typically earn more than staffing and recruiting professionals in other parts of France.
Specialization: If you specialize in a particular area, such as IT staffing or executive recruiting, you can command a higher salary.
Performance: Your performance as a staffing and recruiting professional can also affect your salary. If you consistently meet or exceed your goals, you may be eligible for a raise.

How To Apply:

you can read condition and other jobs details here


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